Castleside Primary School

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Class Four

Welcome to Class 4

We are a class of Year 5 and 6 children and our teacher is Mrs Lightley. We work very hard in our class but it is also lots of fun. Fantastic visits and visitors make learning in Class 4 even more special. We hope you enjoy looking at our page and finding out about some of the things we are learning this year.

Our Learning

Class 4 cover a range of interesting topics across the school year. The topic overviews provided an insight into some of the activities your child will be participating in and experiencing each term.


Class Information and Homework

  • We have regular P.E. lessons and active minutes throughout the week. Please have a full and correct P.E kit, suitable for indoor and outdoor lessons, available at all times.
  • We also have swimming lessons once a week for part of the academic year. Details will be circulated via Class Dojo and individual letters.
  • Homework – Class 4 have weekly homework tasks to complete – Maths Shed (minimum of 10 mins 5 x weekly), Spelling Shed (minimum of 10 mins 5 x weekly), times tables (regular practice), reading (minimum 4 x weekly). Class 4 may also periodically be given further, longer projects which, when completed, can be posted on individual portfolios in Class Dojo

Reading in Class 4

All of the children are encouraged to read daily in school and to foster a love of reading: choosing to do it for pleasure. Books are shared regularly and celebrated in class. Children are rewarded for reading at home or with an adult with Class Dojos.

New College Durham Academies Trust

The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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