Support for Emotional & Social Development
At Castleside Primary School, we recognise the need to support the emotional and social development of our children. We offer specific support and interventions for emotional and social development. This is particularly important for children with ASC and children with anxiety due to home situations.
- The SENDCo is a trained Mental Health and Wellbeing First Aider and support for mental health and embedded into the school week.
- One member of staff trained in Therapeutic story writing and groups regularly take place.
- Time to Talk programme running weekly to support the development of social interaction and communication skills.
- School operates a ‘Buddy’ system for learning and social activities. Younger children supported by older children.
- The school is part of ‘Educate and Celebrate’ and Rights Respecting to help celebrate diversity and respect for all people.
- Three members of staff are trained in Lego Therapy and sessions take place on a weekly basis.
- Lunchtime board games club promotes social skills development.