Castleside Primary School

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Class One

Welcome to Class One

Welcome to our class page. Please explore it to find out about the exciting things we have been doing. You can also find out how you can best support your child at home.

We are a Reception class of  9 children (we have room for more)! We are proud to offer a wide range of exciting and interesting activities to motivate all of our children. We offer both indoor and outdoor learning opportunities with a variety of experiences on a daily basis.

Class teacher

Miss Morris

Our Curriculum

Class 1 follow the children's interests but will also cover a range of interesting topics across the school year. The topic overview below gives an insight to some of the activities your child will be participating in and experiencing each term. This may change depending on the direction in which the children take their learning.

Curriculum map

Continuous Provision

Our provision is developed with the children. We plan together, sharing the children’s ideas and interests. The children are able to make choices and develop their own ideas. We aim to provide a wide variety of relevant and worthwhile experiences that challenge the children. This enables the children to developing their skills, knowledge and understanding.


Our P.E. lessons are on a Monday and Wednesday. Please make sure your child has their P.E. kit in school and it is named.


We teach phonics daily using Essential Letters and Sounds. Every day, the children will have a range of opportunities to practise the sounds in school. These will also be sent home.


At Castleside Primary School, we aim to foster a love of reading and to increase exposure to different types of texts. Through regular reading, we aim to practise the new sounds which are taught daily in phonics, and to apply this to their reading. 

There are also 'real' books for children to explore in different areas of the classroom and we re-read our core collection over and over so that we can become confident story-tellers!


Read, sing rhymes and talk to your children. Point out things as you walk the dog, do the shopping or take trips in the car.

Dojo points will be given every time you read at home.

New College Durham Academies Trust

The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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