Rights Respecting School
Castleside is a ‘Silver – Rights Aware School’!!
On the 20th November 1989 the world made a set of promises for every child on earth. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international statement of all of those promises. UNICEF protects and promotes those rights.
These rights try to make sure that every child is healthy, educated, treated fairly and listened to. They also make sure that all children are protected from violence, abuse and exploitation.
We are a Rights Aware School
We are thrilled to have achieved the next stage of the award a a ‘Rights Aware School’; a very prestigious award in recognition of the hard work and dedication we have made to ensuring our children know their rights and are empowered to help other children access their rights too. Our Rights Respecting School ethos is an integral part of our everyday school life and is the key to helping us achieve ‘respect and success for all’.
Every member of our school community is aware of the UNCRC articles and how they link to children’s rights. Pupils are the rights-holders and carry out respectful actions to ensure their own and others’ rights are met. Our staff are the duty-bearers and we work hard to ensure children’s rights are respected at all times. We all work hard to help children around the world have their rights respected through campaigning and charity work.
We can’t wait to begin our journey to ‘Gold – Rights Respecting’
Read our most recent report here - Castleside RRSA Silver Report
Rights Respecting Steering Group
We have a Rights Respecting steering group which currently includes pupils and school staff. We are now looking for parents and Governors to join. If you would like to join our steering group, please contact school.
Our Rights Respecting Ambassadors
Year 1: Joseph
Year 2: Ellie
Year 3: Xavier
Year 4: Mollie-Anne
Year 5: Sam
Year 6: Chloe
Class Ambassadors award certificates of recognition to their schoolmates each week to acknowledge behaviours and achievements that support children’s rights in and out of school. They will also lead initiatives to raise funds or awareness for causes and events they feel are important.
What Are Our Rights?
Some of the most important rights in our school are:
- I have the right to an education (article 28).
- I have the right to relax and play (article 31).
- I have the right to clean water (article 24).
- I have the right to nutritious food (article 24).
- I have the right to privacy (article 16).
- I have the right to say what I think should happen when adults are making decisions that affect me (article 12).
Every child in school signs up to our whole school charter, which has been drawn up by the children. Each class also has their own class charter which states their rights and how they can be respected by pupils (rights-holders) and adults (duty-bearers).
We also have a playtime charter, a lunchtime charter and a football charter.
Find out more about Rights Respecting and the work we have been doing through our events and class pages.